Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hike to Idaho Springs Reservoir

Our original plan to explore Mt. Goliath Sunday morning was unfortunately foiled by a road closure, but Dave and I set out on a nearby hike from Echo Lake to Idaho Springs Reservoir. Plants in flower were abundant! We made it back to the van just as the early afternoon rain shower turned to a downpour.

On our way back to meet Mike Bone, we explored a bit along Highway 6, which follows the Clear Creek. As we pulled onto Mike's street, we realized we had not written the house number down. It quickly became clear which house was his when we saw a front yard with a crevice garden! Mike also showed us his back garden and greenhouse, id'd many of the plants we saw on our hike and prepared a great meal with good conversation!

Inna and Vladmir have safely arrived, one of their bags has not, but hopefully that will arrive soon!

The coolest plant of the day was this thistle, Cirsium scopulorum.

A closeup of another plant shows the fuzzy hairs, a way to protect the plant from water and heat loss. This Cirsium growing at true alpine elevations can be completely covered in this fuzzy hair!

Colorado's state flower: the Colorado blue columbine, Aquilegia caerulea

Dave among the Aquilegia

Rosa arkansana, prairie rose, scrabbling nicely among the rocks, was also fragrant!

Idaho Springs Reservoir